Speedy Concrete Cutting a long history of exceptional performance in all different aspects of Roadwork, Bridge Modification/Deconstruction, Underwater Structure Deconstruction, etc. We were chosen as Expert Presenters by FDOT at the Accelerated Bridge Deconstruction Symposium, in June of 2020.
Just a few of the many projects were have in our resume include;
- St. John’s River Bridge Replacement Project – Sanford, Fl. Granite Construction- (2002-2003)
- Skyway Bridge – Column Rehab Project – Tampa, Fl M&J Construction
- I-595 Expressway Project – Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Dragados Construction -(2009-2011)
- The Friendship Trail Project – Tampa, Fl. American Bridge- (2015-2016)
- The Ultimate I-4 Project – Orlando, Fl. SGL Constructors, LLC (2015-Present)
- Sisters Creek Bascule Bridge Project – Jacksonville, Fl. Archer Western (2016)