Robotic Demolition

The Brokk 170 Robotic Demolition – Our Brokk Robotic Demolition Robots are the perfect solution when typical Concrete Cutting/ Breaking applications are prohibited due to issues, such as Water, Vibration, Noise, and Combustion Emissions restrictions. These nearly silent, electronically powered demolition robots are lightweight and compact, yet extremely powerful. The compact size and rubber track design allow them to easily fit through a standard door opening to access tight interior spaces, and traverse soft or even terrain.

Armed with the Darda CC440 crushing attachment, they are capable of dissecting and rubblizing heavily reinforced bank vaults, shear walls, and structural concrete members with ease. They are controlled remotely, keeping the operator away from the actual impact area, and out of harm’s way due to falling and shifting debris. This provides clear lines of sight around the work areas, ensuring a safer operation for both our employee and other workers on the jobsite.

Concrete Cutting, Coring, Removal, and GPR Scanning.

Speedy is Ready to Serve!!