Sam Trebbi was a beloved daughter, sister, and former student at Palmetto High in South Florida. Despite her youth, Sam touched many people’s lives.She brought joy and happiness to those around her, especially her family and the students and faculty at her school. When Sam passed away unexpectedly in 2010, her fellow students and friends expressed their love and dedication to her memory by establishing a memorial in her honor.Artfully designed tiles with messages of love, hope, inside jokes, and friendship, created a beautiful and unique mosaic displayed to honor Sam and her life. In 2020, after almost 40+ years of housing students, faculty and the Sam Trebbi Memorial, the two oldest buildings belonging to Palmetto High were set to be demolished.Our clients at Thornton Construction were called upon to do the work. While we aren’t exactly sure how all the details came to be, Thornton Construction was able to have the Trebbi family come to the site while it was being cut and gifted them with an 8×5 section of the Memorial Wall. Speedy had the honor of ensuring it was done right. Our experienced Operator, Lavelle Watkins, approached the scope as if it was being cut from the Louvre in Paris! Lavelle reported that the family was very appreciative of the care and respect that was given to the mural and that it was an emotional day for all. Preserving a tangible part of Sam’s legacy and memory was invaluable. For Lavelle, Speedy and Thornton Construction it was more than a days work; it was a piece of history, a piece of pure heart and soul being cut from that building. We are all glad it found its way home. Sam, you will never be forgotten by those who hold you in their hearts. Now you’ll hold a special place in ours too. #inhonor #neverforgoten