The summer is in full swing with 115 deg. index in beautiful Jacksonville. Please keep your body hydrated and as Mr. Hess would say get some Pedialyte in your body. We would like to welcome to the Jacksonville office Katherine Lambardi, as she has decided to join the Office of Choice. I would like to say thanks on behalf of all the workers, family and friends to Speedy Concrete Cutting for a fun full picnic day. I would also like to say a very special thanks to Tara and her organizing crew for the hard work that they put in to make it a success. Jayson lowery is working for ADS where he was cutting 3, 10’x12’x8” thick wall opening plus 3, 8’x8’x6” thick area of S.O.G with dock levelers. Jayson is also training our new trainee Zackery Lee. As ADS starts to take on more jobs here in Jacksonville we start to put them on our priority list so when they call we will answer. Kyle Emerick keep going above and beyond day by day. Kyle was in Tampa working with the Tampa office for several days. Kyle was also at the Embassey suite working for Feastaco where he is Chain Sawing 18, 12”x12”x8” thick Mechanical opening in elevated hollow core slab on each floor. The customer were very happy with his work. At the Embassy suite in St. Augustine, we are working for the General Contractor Welbro Building Corporation where we have +/- 967, 18” Diameter piles to cut in 4” and chip to customer design. The hot and humid temperatures on this side of Florida create a bit of setback, but we are back in full swing. Jason Pollard is the man on the job, when you hear pile you hear Jason Pollard. #officeofchoice #newsworthy