Hello from the City by The Bay. A lot of things have changed here since the last Speedy Sentinel was published. There are lot of new faces and we are continuing to hire. We also have some announcements to share along with our new hire introductions. Since our last edition of the Sentinel, Sean Zaccaria earned a promotion to our sales team and as expected, is doing an outstanding job getting his foot in the door with the superintendents on all of the large high-profile projects. Be sure and check out his notable project this quarter on St. Josephs Hospital for Robins & Morton. In addition Dan Curnow has joined us adding a very needed second salesman to the mix to help cover some of the southern territory projects. Since my promotion to General Manager this year, I have had to rely on Kelly Bentz in operations more than ever. She is doing an excellent job ensuring the office runs as smooth as possible. Kelly recently went to Orlando for a few days to facilitate the Orl Operations Admin, Laurie Colletti ‘s training. Thanks for going above and beyond and having a “whatever it takes attitude”. Recently, Jeff Roberts has been added to our mechanic’s/fleet maintenance team to help Rodney Thomas keep up with the repair of our trucks and equipment. They are doing a fine job and making a good team. The past couple of months we have hired Zachary Bush, a trainee coming to us from a construction background. Zach has been training under Jason Spinks. Jason says Zach is learning quickly and will be in his own truck sooner than most. Cliff Hughes is still here going on his 4th year as a core drill, handsaw, chainsaw man and improving every day working on our service work. Juwan Wilson also in his 4th year as well spending most of his work electric slab sawing doing a lot of the Publix remodels for Hawkins Construction along the west coast. In February Jason “The Legend” Kenney decided to move from Raleigh, NC to Tampa to go back to work for Speedy hopefully making it his full-time residence. Dennis Harper with nearly 25 years in the concrete sawing and drilling industry in Tampa has been doing a lot of core drilling holes through the 6’ thick bridge segments for the Kiewit Selman Expressway Project. Brad Anderson has been driving himself insane core drilling 30 plus 24” diameter holes in 12” thick river rock underground structures for RIPA on the Hurley project in Tampa. Dave Horrell has been working nights the past month avoiding the brutal 100 degree’s summer day’s we have been having this year on the Hillsborough Ave. project. He has been slab sawing 30,000’ or more lineal feet of pavement and core drilling 1,000- 2” diameter holes for Pepper Contracting. Last but not least there’s Chris “I Pack A Chainsaw! What!” Smith doing his thing destroying any concrete that comes in his path. In closing, I want to thank you all for your commitment to safety, quality and craftsmanship. they are the cornerstone of our success. Your “whatever it takes” attitude is a cut above! #citybythebay #speedytampa #construction #concretecutting